Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sorbaria 'Sem'

Sem is an improvement in just about every way over older Sorbaria varieties. Compact, better-branched, and more dense than others, it creates a tight, bushy little mound in the garden, making a fine low hedge or accent planting as well as a shrub border standout. Next, it offers pinkish-red spring leaves that turn chartreuse and remain that way till frost. Finally, it covers itself with white blooms over a long summer season. Elegant, space-saving, and beautiful!

Sem forms a neat 3-by-3-foot shrub in the partly shaded garden, adding great texture to the garden. Not "patchy" or "thin" like other Sorbarias, it covers itself first in foliage, then in charming blooms that last from midsummer till season's end.

This shrub is easy to grow and quite adaptable, thriving in any well-drained soil. It is especially valuable for northern climates. Zones 2-7.

- Wayside Gardens (link here)

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