Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Royal Heritage

Blooms for up to 5 months a year!

After 50 years of dedicated English breeding and 10 years of collection and ongoing, we excitedly offer our patrons the very finest perennial introduction of the decade. Royal Heritage Hellebores are destined to supplant even Hostas as the premiere carefree perennial for shade (and partial sun).

Uniquely superior for its wide range of sumptuous colors (purple, red, near-black, white, green, pink and even yellow) captured by 2-inch flowers with overlapping petals. In our garden the strain produces flowers for nearly 5 months, from winter through spring. Cut and floated, they make an excellent centerpiece, lasting up to two weeks.

A gardener's "dream plant" -- very permanent, very low-maintenance, very disease-free, very pest-free! Easy to establish from our vigorous container stock. Over the years each will develop into sturdy, long-lived clumps 18 to 24 inches high and 2 to 3 feet across. Totally tolerant of heat and humidity, and even periods of drought, if given well-drained, moisture-retentive soil. Can even thrive in clay! Zones 4-8.

- Wayside Gardens (link here)

I planted four of these last fall. Very much looking forward to see how they turn out.

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