Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Prickly Lettuce

 Prickly Lettuce in a neighbor's yard. Reviled as a weed, I love the clear yellow flowers.



Bindweed in a neighbor's yard. It does not compete in our garden.


 Phlox and Outhouse Lilies in a neighbor's garden.



Owl in the garden.

Lavender Blue Baby Daylily

This looks promising.



Nasturtium. Yet another edible that we grow mostly as an ornamental.



Double-Flowered Rudbeckia

Some years this gets very floppy, but doing well so far.

Gray-Headed Coneflower


Gray-Headed Coneflower

Can be an aggressive thug, but a modest performer in our garden.

Outhouse Lilies


Ditch Lilies AKA Outhouse Lilies

Daylily snobs tell us to get rid of them, but I feel they are an important link to our gardening past.

And they are tough as nails.



Daylily 'Sun-Dried Tomato'

I love the rich, red color.



I like the white color but the blossoms are smaller than many other modern hybrids.



I love the way white flowers glow at dawn & dusk in the garden.

Morning Glory


Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue'

Every morning that there is a new blossom brings a smile to my face.



The native Agastache is a superb pollinator plant. Bumblebees and honey bees are swarming over the blossoms.  It would be interesting to know the location of the nearest honey bee hive.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Morning Glory


Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue'

Very nice individual flower, but too few blossoms impoverish the view.

Rabbits vs. Mulberry

Native Mulberry I planted this spring.

Clean diagonal cut at ground level, classic rabbit move.  The owls and coyotes need to up their game. Bitter disappointment.

Plant Fractals

Very interesting.

Sunday, July 11, 2021



Tall Garden Phlox.

In our grandparents' time, this was a mainstay of the perennial garden.  Now, largely fallen out of favor because of susceptibility to powdery mildew, and can be an aggressive spreader where it is happy, like in our garden.


Pansies.  I will never understand how the word "pansy" came to be known as a weak person because the plant is tough as nails.

Planted in a pot, survived a week of drought and 94 degrees where other plants wilted and died.

Cardinal Climber


Cardinal Climber.



This is what happens when you leave home for a week and it never rains.

Basket was lush and covered with blossoms when we departed.



Rudbeckia, species unknown, open pollinated volunteer.



Okra.  Worth growing just for the flowers.

Cat's Pajamas

This looks like a winner.

Prairie Petunia

This would be a great choice for the hill at The Lodge.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Giant Persicaria

 Giant Persicaria


 Old fashioned Milkweed.

Garden Pool


Adding a few more fish to the garden pool.